Tips for making moving less stressful
Moving is an exciting and stressful time all in one. When we think of moving, we are initially excited about the new adventure while gathering all of our moving supplies and planning for the big day. We soon realize it’s hard work and very stressful trying to organize all of the things that need to be done prior, and during moving.
There are many elements to moving. Making a list of all of the things that need to be done is a great help to keeping you organized. Make sure you start planning well in advance of your moving date and allow yourself plenty
of time to get everything done. Start by getting rid of the things that you do not need and/or are not taking with you to your new home. By getting rid of all of the things you do not want in advance will allow you to focus on the things you are taking and gives you a realistic idea of how much you need to pack. Pack anything that you will not use or need prior to your move and this will get you started on the packing process. We have all been in that situation that we think something should take a few minutes to do and then it takes an hour and you do not want to be in a situation on moving day with lots of unnecessary little tasks to add to your list of to do’s.
Make sure you try and stay organized and do not be afraid to ask for help from friends or family and maybe even hire a moving company to help with the packing process. Moving is a stressful time so make sure you allow yourself sufficient time to get everything done and do not leave things until the last minute creating more stress for yourself. If you need help with this process be sure to contact Siesta Title & Escrow @ (941) 889 – 7744!