It's Hurricane Season! Are You Prepared?
Dealing with hurricane season is a fact of life in Florida. As we keep an eye on the weather over the next few months, it's very important that you and your family are prepared for Mother Nature. Here are some simple tips.
First, have a plan. Before a hurricane hits, the best thing you can do is have a family plan for what you are going to do and where you are going to go. Having a prepared rally point and destination for evacuation that everyone in the family understands is critical. It's good to practice what you would do with your family to ensure they all are on the same page and feel comfortable with the plan.
Stocking up on supplies is also important. Getting a few cases of water, enough non-perishable food for your family to last a couple weeks, a first aid kit and some extra gasoline for your car is key. Keeping these items in a safe, dry and accessible place is also important.
Finally, when it's time to evacuate, don't wait! Just go! If a hurricane is coming to your area and officials are warning you to leave, just do it! If the worst comes, your stuff can be replaced but your family can't. Do the safe thing and get out of the area as soon as you can.
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